Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 9

I initially posted this glimpse without explanation....but looking at it again I thought I should explain that this is much more than it looks like. At first glimpse it is exactly what it appears to be, Sarah hugging and being hugged by her Grandma. But what you should also know is that Sarah only gives/receives affection on her terms. She is very resistant to being grabbed and hugged playfully unless she truly wants to be hugged or cuddled. When she does cuddle it is often brief This is not a bad thing its just the way she is. This embrace, however, lasted for probably five to ten minutes or more. She just relished the place she was in and really wanted to FEEL the love that was being lavished upon her. Truth be told, Grandma enjoyed it too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

UNFORGETTABLE moments!! Grandma